Thursday, June 25, 2009

Daddy Tips

So Cortney is starting her 10th week. According to one of "the books", shorty is starting to look more like a human and less like a sea manatee. So that's exciting! Also, this book always gives "Daddy tips". Well we didn't really notice these until a few weeks ago and so far I have been getting some great tips. The first week we looked said to buy her something. Well, we are poor and so she told me not to. And not in a joking kind of way, she meant it, like don't buy anything or you will get hit. In case you didn't already know this...Cortney hits. This meant I had the week off from my "Daddy tips". The next week it had something to do with pets. Like cleaning them or feeding them so she didn't have to. Well we don't have any pets. Sweet..another week off for Daddy. So that brings us to this weeks "Daddy tip". It lets dads know that "pregnancy is an opportunity for increased closeness and intimacy as a couple and that sex can be a positive part of this experience". SWEET! I love "Daddy tips". Well when I read this to Cortney she basically let me know that Daddy would again have another week off. Hmmmm...maybe I should just do something special for her that isn't in the book? Then again, who am I to question the experts.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Movin' on UP

We did it! We moved. The fourth apartment in four years. WOW! This one was tough too. I am very proud of Jason for all his hard work. He was a trooper indeed. I didn't do much of anything except sit on my behind. Awww the joys of pregnancy. The sad thing is I still managed to get sore. I don't really know how that happened. Also, Shout out to Jason's older bro Aaron for helping in a big way too. THANKS AARON! Here is me waving goodbye to the old place.

On to bigger (literally) and better things. Can't wait to set up the baby's room in the new place! SO PUMPED!!! I already get excited even though I am looking at a room full of boxes and junk. I'll post some pics of the new place once we get it looking semi-put together.

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Casualty of War

Today I had to delete some people off of my facebook. Work people. I am constantly worried that people from my job are going to find out about shorty before I actually tell my boss. It's my own fault. I am not good at keeping secrets and especially bad at telling white lies. It was weird deleting a coworker that sits two desks down from me. I hope she doesn't ask me what happened because I will have to tell one of those white lies I am so bad at telling.

I have made the decision that after my appointment on July 9th I will talk to my boss. I will be about 12 wks preggo so hopefully that will be a good time. After that I will tell who I want and let it trickle down with all the office gossip.

So to all my fallen Facebook friends "Farewell for now and may we meet again in 6 months"


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The day we found out!

I think at this point, we still didn't really believe it. That is why we took 4 more pregnancy tests. We are freaks!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A man couldn't handle it

Ah pregnancy. A wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles. All I can say is...I am so glad I don't have to carry it. First of all...I HATE to throw up. This may be a TMI, but seriously, I can't deal. Luckily for Cort, she has only had two experiences. The first one happened while I was out getting a beer with a friend. Typical guy huh? She is at home, tired, sick and not allowed to even drink a beer. He is out tipping them back and having a jolly old time. However, the second time I had the privilege of rubbing my wife's back as she projectiles the worst smelling material known to man (and if you know me, I can't really smell all that well). I could get more graphic about the experience but I am sure you can imagine. And I know this is only the beginning. A couple of nights ago I watched in amazement as Cortney began to burst out into tears during the middle of the bachelorette. I think it may have even been during a commercial. Nothing provoked it. It was accompanied by laughter. I had no idea how to respond. During the laughing parts, if I joined in on the laughter it would make her cry, but if I tried to comfort her, she would get mad and then the laughter would start again. I eventually had to just sit back and watch the show (Cortney, not the bachelorette) and wait for it to end. Which took longer than you might imagine. I know there is so much more still to come. Insomnia, back pain, heartburn, not to mention the actual birthing process itself. A guy could never do it. I sneeze in the work for me the next day. Hats off to all the ladies out there who have gone through it. Ugh...I need a beer.



Well...Here it is. The first of, hopefully, many blog posts about the Harper Family.

Quick Update:

Actors in NYC
Too expensive and hate the subway
Move to Kansas City
Jason goes back to school for Optometry
I work reception job to pay the bills
Find out I have

By some Miracle...we get pregnant.

It's insane, right? So now I have lots to worry about and my fingernails will be bitten off completely. We are almost 9wks preggo and it is soooo exciting! I am only nauseous occasionally. My main pregnancy symptom is fatigue. I am tired all of the time.

We are moving apartments this weekend and poor Jason is going to have to do it all on his own. It will be nice to have a 2 bedroom so Jason can have a place to study and then it can be turned into a place for shorty by January. This is going to be quite a ride.
