Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A man couldn't handle it

Ah pregnancy. A wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles. All I can say is...I am so glad I don't have to carry it. First of all...I HATE to throw up. This may be a TMI, but seriously, I can't deal. Luckily for Cort, she has only had two experiences. The first one happened while I was out getting a beer with a friend. Typical guy huh? She is at home, tired, sick and not allowed to even drink a beer. He is out tipping them back and having a jolly old time. However, the second time I had the privilege of rubbing my wife's back as she projectiles the worst smelling material known to man (and if you know me, I can't really smell all that well). I could get more graphic about the experience but I am sure you can imagine. And I know this is only the beginning. A couple of nights ago I watched in amazement as Cortney began to burst out into tears during the middle of the bachelorette. I think it may have even been during a commercial. Nothing provoked it. It was accompanied by laughter. I had no idea how to respond. During the laughing parts, if I joined in on the laughter it would make her cry, but if I tried to comfort her, she would get mad and then the laughter would start again. I eventually had to just sit back and watch the show (Cortney, not the bachelorette) and wait for it to end. Which took longer than you might imagine. I know there is so much more still to come. Insomnia, back pain, heartburn, not to mention the actual birthing process itself. A guy could never do it. I sneeze in the evening...no work for me the next day. Hats off to all the ladies out there who have gone through it. Ugh...I need a beer.


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