Sunday, October 17, 2010

7, 8, 9 months old!

Dear Keet,

Oh boy! Since my last post for you, so much has happened in our lives. I guess that is why it has taken me so long to update.

I will give an abridged version of your 7th and 8th month:

Living with your Nan and Pop was awesome and overwhelming at the same time. You really learned to love them during that time. I was proud of how well you seemed to adjust to all the craziness.

The countdown was on to moving into our new house and I was looking for a job everyday. It was so difficult and daddy and I were STRESSED!

It's so crazy though how things just work themselves out. A job seemed to fall out of the sky about a week before we moved that was a perfect fit for mama and was close to where we would be living. What a relief. We packed up and moved to Southaven, MS.

As soon as we moved in, you just started growing up too fast! You sat up from laying down into a sitting position, then started pulling up to anything you could. You realized you wanted to MOVE so you began hopping on your bottom across the floor. When you decided that wasn't good enough, your hopping turned into a "crawl". You drag that right leg behind you. It's weird but you are really fast. During your 8th month, daddy propped you in a standing position and you stood there...on your own. From then on you would stand for longer and longer each time then plop down on your rear. It was so exciting to see. Occasionally you would try to take a step and we would cheer and clap! Daddy and I are watching you everyday get braver and take more steps between us. I love how you take risks and love to learn. It's obvious that your motor skills are advanced. You must get that from daddy;)

Not only are you on the move, but you are talking up a storm. Mama, Dada, NeNe, Byebye...those are your faves.

I can't believe how you have gone from little baby to little boy- Like a flash before my eyes!
Other Happenings:

You started daycare! (Not only does mama miss you everyday but this daycare is not ideal-we're looking for something better)

You had strep throat! (You were pitiful and had to go through 2 rounds of antibiotics)

We went to the Memphis Zoo!

Nana came to visit from KC for daddy's white coat ceremony! (boy were we proud)

and the biggest news of all...

You are going to be a BIG BROTHER!

We were STUNNED with this news. This surprise seemed to come at the worst time that it could. I cried and cried and worried and felt so sorry that you would be robbed of your babyhood. I couldn't believe that I had just become a mom and now I was going to be a mom of two. I never imagined that this would be our lives. But ya know, again, life just works out the way it should sometimes. You and your sibling will be 14 months apart. I am beginning to feel this little one move in my tummy and it reminds me of your little jabs and kicks. I didn't know you then like I do now. You are what your daddy and I live for these days. A perfect gift. I am excited to add to our family. I am sure you will be a great older brother. Things will be a little crazier, louder and I will add to my list of worries. These challenges are becoming the norm in our life and another hurdle to overcome. It's tough but I say BRING IT ON!

I love you Keeton,


1 comment:

Abby Minard said...

Oh how cute!! Can't beleive we never got to meet him before you guys moved! Congrats on the white-coat ceremony, and the new baby! Miss you guys!