Friday, June 11, 2010

Harpers on a diet (formerly known as "Project Nick and Jessica")

I'm just gonna put it out there. We are on a DIET! Wow...I said it. That wasn't horrible.

In the past I've made my diets public knowledge and the second I do, I go eat a super value meal somewhere and blow the whole thing. I'm still not sure this won't happen again. But this time I am trying a new tactic: Put in on my blog and then I'll feel reeeeaallly guilty when I cheat. And it's working already-I am feeling really guilty about eating Jose Pepper's for lunch;)

Jason has lost over 15 lbs and I have lost about 10lbs. It's feels so good to slip on a pair of jeans that used to be tight and be able to button them...right out of the dryer! Don't get me wrong, I have a couple mountains to climb before I will truly be happy about my size but there is nothing wrong with celebrating a small victory.

I am really proud of Jason. You may think Jason doesn't need to lose weight but sir packed on 25 lbs when I was preggs with Keet.

(beat for gasp)

You need to know this about Jason though-he is very dedicated to this diet and will lose those last 10lbs- NO QUESTION! In fact, when Jason sets a goal about anything, he achieves it every single time. It's really respectable and I may go as far as saying it's one of his best qualities.

These last few weeks have been a struggle for me as I am tempted 7.5 hours a day with shelves of giant candy bars such as Twix, Snickers, Kit Kats and worst of all TURTLES!

Case in Point: Jason called me one day to check up on my eating and asked if I'd eaten a candy bar. I said 'no' proud of my restraint. The minute I hung up the phone I got a candy bar. It was as if he reminded me I needed to stuff my face with all that sweet goodness.

I think just leaving my job will help me lose 5 lbs. As with a lot of things in our lives, my motto has been "we'll see". That isn't necessarily a positive motto just realistic.

So wish us luck and we'll see...

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