Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Greer Hudson Merrill (check out those lips)

Griffin-3 yrs, Keeton-4 mos, Graham-8 yrs and Greer-2 wks

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

4 months

Dear Keeton,

You are four months old. This past month has been an eventful one.

*We had our 1st Mother's Day at the zoo. What a great day for our little family.

*You had your four month well visit and here are your stats: 14lbs 4 oz and 24.8 inches long
The doc upped the dose on your reflux meds so hopefully we can tame the beast that is your projectile vomit. We were also advised to start some neck exercises with you to loosen the muscles in your left side. You have a condition called Torticollis. Hopefully we will see a difference in a few weeks.

*Also, we just got back from a trip to Jonesboro to visit your Nan and Pop, Aunt Darbo and Uncle Randy, Graham, Griffin and NEW COUSIN Greer! He is a little sweety. I can't wait for the two of you to grow up together and be best friends. Daddy likes to joke that it's like an arranged marriage. He's crazy.

I think you've definitely won over your Nan and Pop. You were so smiley and happy and laughed out loud all weekend. Right now you are a Pop's boy though. He can get a laugh from you every time.

You also got to hang out with your other best friend Collier. She is such a little joy. She taught you how to stand up at the toy box. Mama was right behind you if you fell.

*And the biggest news of all...We are officially moving! Daddy got accepted to Optometry school in Memphis and starts August 30th. We will be shacking up with Nan and Pop from June 21st until August 1st then moving into our NEW HOUSE!!!

Hopefully this will be the place where you say your first words, take your first steps, have your first birthday and get a first sibling. While Daddy and I are a little nervous about moving, finding me a job and putting you in daycare (boo), we are so happy to be moving forward with our lives and building a solid future for you.
Keeton, you have no idea how much our lives revolve around you and your happiness.


Monday, May 10, 2010

My First Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother's Day and my FIRST Mother's Day! It did not disappoint!

I started the morning off giving Keeton a bottle and giving him a bath. His bath time was so funny because he has become all about kicking his feet and splashing water everywhere. You can tell he gets really proud of himself when he does it.
After getting wet and wild, we had lunch then went to the Kansas City Zoo for the afternoon. It was surprisingly chilly so we had to bundle up for the journey around the zoo.

We had a blast. Keeton slept through most of 'Australia'. He's so over Kangaroos:)

We then decided to travel to 'Africa'. Anyone who's been to the KC zoo knows this is not an understatement. A looooong walk across a loooooong bridge coupled with a baby stroller and bad shoes make for quite a trek. was TOTALLY WORTH IT!

Africa at the zoo is similar to the Animal kingdom at Disney. It's this big land where all the animals live. Not just cage after cage. It's a really wonderful experience. We took Keeton out of his stroller at the Cheetahs. They were beautiful. They came right up to the edge of the land where we were walking.

Keeton decided to take a milk break at the lions. We watched as 3 female lions played and rolled around on each other while the big male lion took a snooze on a rock. It was amazing to be so close to these creatures.

(WARNING: gross paragraph ahead)

As we made our way up the trail, Keeton became inconsolable. I noticed he smelled a little foul so we stopped at a restroom so I could change him. Was I in for a treat. Keeton did his business all over his jeans, onesie, legs and back. It was EVERYWHERE! I had always heard about this happening to people but this was my special 1st time Mother's Day treat! I had to call Jason into the the bathroom for help. oh geez!

We finally got him cleaned up and back on the trail. You would have thought he had won the baby lottery. He was laughing and kicking his legs and soooo happy.

We finally finished the 2.5 hour walk (yes...2.5 hours) without another accident. Our little guy was so good during the whole excursion. We were so tired and sore but so happy we decided to go to the zoo.

I am so thankful to be a mother. I am so grateful for my son. It gets sweeter everyday!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Keeton is officially rolling over from tummy to back. I am so proud of my little guy.