Thursday, April 15, 2010

3 months old

Hi Keeton,

Boy oh Boy. Time is passing at lightening speed. I can't believe that you are 3 months old.

3 months

3 days old

What a big boy. In the last month you have really "woken up". You are really alert and seem to take in everything around you. I always notice how you stare at my lips when I talk and when I make a p sound or a funny sound, you look up at my eyes and smile one of those gorgeous smiles.

Your personality is really starting to form. Sometimes when you get fussy and start to yawn I will take you in the bedroom to get swaddled for a nap. As soon as I put you down you kick those legs and scream in delight like I'm crazy for thinking you're tired.

Lately, all you want to do is chew on your fingers. This wouldn't be too bad except that sometime you stick that chubby fist a little too far down your throat and Blaaaah...usually all over me or daddy. I have started testing out a stern voice when I see you with your hand in you mouth even though I know you are too young to understand that kind of discipline. When I say "no no Keeton", you will freeze and look up at me with a blank face and then as if on cue, flash me that open mouthed gummy smile.

Other interesting things this month:

*For Easter, I got you some hair gel especially for babies. Daddy and I thought it might help out those crazy curls that are starting to form when we give you baths. Looks like you've got mama's hair.
*Your eyes are still blue but we think they still might change.
*You have grown out of most of your 0-3 clothes and are starting to work on 3-6.
*You are sleeping sooo good lately. I put you to bed most nights around 9:30 or 10pm and you sleep solid until about 4 am. We feed you a bottle let you show some cute smiles then back to bed you go until about 7:30ish. This is a schedule we can definitely live with for a while.
*You have proven to be gassier than daddy and I put together. Let's just say "little stinker" is a MAJOR understatement.
*You are starting to recognize us which...there really are no words to describe this feeling!

Your daddy and I are continuously pinching ourselves because we can't believe that you are OUR son. Our sweet smiling angel. Happy 3 months baby!

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