Friday, October 2, 2009


I am so happy right now. Little Keeton is doing so well and I am just thrilled. Yesterday I had my 24 week prenatal appointment and overall he is doing excellent. I was a little nervous because we were waiting on some reports from his sonogram and follow up sonogram about his heart.

The 20 wk sono showed all of his organs were working great but the sonographer just couldn't get a great pic of his heart because of the position he was in and there was a shadow from his spine. The doc assured us that it was nothing to worry about and that we would have a follow up sono to get the pic of the 4 chambers of the heart. Well when we went back he was punching and kicking and really doing great but the sonographer just couldn't get a good view of his heart again. I wasn't in full blown worry mode but I was a tad uncomfortable with the situation.

Well...Everything turned out fine. The doc said she could see the heart perfectly and everything looked great! She said he was coming along nicely and he was a good looking baby.

I was overjoyed! Jason and I are so blessed. I am beyond grateful and honored to be able to carry this little one and welcome him into our family.

God is Good!

1 comment:

Abby said...

Yay! Glad to hear everything is going well!