You are 15 months old!
I haven't been on top of your monthly blog posts like I should have and every month that has passed without a post I have felt the regret. It's been 4 months and I know I've already forgotten some of the amazing things you have learned, experienced and become. I think what halted my writing was when you turned a year old. It was such a momentous occasion in your/our life that I didn't realize how emotional and overwhelming it would be for me. I just love you so much and reaching this milestone proved just how big you were and how fast it had happened. Here is what I intended to post in January and an abridged catch up to your 15 month bday!
12 months:
THIS is the big ONE! The ONE I've been excited about, the ONE I've been nervously awaiting, the one that I knew was inevitable....THE ONE! You have been on this earth ONE WHOLE YEAR! It's still unreal for daddy and I when we look at how big you are and how far you've come in such a short time.
I have been putting off writing your 12 month blog because I just knew I wouldn't have the right words to express what i wanted to say. First and foremost I must tell you how I have fallen madly in love for the second time in my life. Your daddy captured my heart 10 years ago and this past year you have stolen it completely. Everyday my heart grows bigger. Whether it be that toothy grin, the shine in your blond hair, understanding you without words, or watching you sleep in my arms while sneaking kisses from your sweet lips and cheeks.
There have been quite a few events this past month that were memorable for you:
You were able to enjoy you first snow day. I wouldn't say you loved it but that may have been because after your first couple of steps in the yard, you face planted. oops!
Not a great first impression of snow for you. Daddy showed you how to build a snowman and used some of your toys for the eyes and nose. I think your favorite part was when I let you eat a couple snowballs.
CHRISTMAS!!! Your first!
We took you to get your pic made with Santa expecting only the worst and thinking that might be a funny Christmas card. Instead we got smiles and giggles and you giving Santa so much love. Unbelievable. On Christmas Eve, Daddy tried to read the Christmas story out of the bible and you were just not having it. He then read you "The night before Christmas" and you loved it. Little Heathen;)
We made cookies and wrapped gifts then sent u off to bed. The next morning we woke you to the sounds of Christmas music and a pile of gifts. Some from Santa some from us. (MVP gift was the ball popper from Santa.)
After opening gifts, we packed up the car and drove to Nan and Pop's house. We were welcomed by Nan, Pop, Aunt DD, Uncle Randy, Graham, Griffin and Greer. We didn't waste anytime and got right down to opening more gifts and eating sausage balls. We spent the whole day in our jammies playing toys and watching movies. You have so much fun playing with your cousins, and pulling ornaments off of Nan's tree.
I remember when it was just Nan, Pop, DD and I. We have added 6 people to our family and it has been great! (it will be 7 next Christmas) Thanks Keet for your big smiles and playful personality for Christmas.
Honorable Mentions:
You have started blowing kisses with the back of your hand. It is darling.You wear a size 4 shoe and12 month clothes
You had your second haircut
You say Mama, Dada, Ne Ne (Nan), No, Nigh Nigh (night night), Danta (Santa), Teentee (stinky), Titu (thank you)-some of these better than others. We're still a work in progress.
Everything Christmasey was "Danta". the Christmas tree, Santas, presents etc.
You love to brush teeth
You have such a great bedtime routine (bath, brush teeth, stories, snuggles, bedtime, zonked)
You eat mostly all solid food except for some dinners and breakfast.
You drink all formula from a sippy cup-NO MORE BOTTLES! yay!
You took a bath with mama in the big tub.
You are semi interested in "Chuggington" and "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse".
You can identify your nose and hair MOST of time.
You are the greatest gift I have ever received. Amazing from head to toe!
I love you,
13 months:
Dear Keet,
Someone had a birthday and a birthday party! Woot Woot! It was sooo fun. We woke you up on your bday morning singing happy birthday with a candle in a cereal bar. This is a tradition from when mommy was a little girl. Nan and Pop would wake me up singing with a candle in a donut.
Your party was at Nan and Pop's house in Jonesboro and you were in a great mood. You had all your cousins there and some of your friends to celebrate. Your Nana, Aunt Kristin, Uncle Aaron, Ethan and Ansley drove down just to come to your party. You dug into your cake like a champ after singing happy birthday. So many people love you and wanted to be at this special event to help you celebrate. I will never forget this awesome day and how joyful you were.
Happy Birthday Sweet boy!
14 Months:
Dear precious little one,
You are growing so fast. This month flew by. Not only are you becoming such a little boy but you are preparing to be a BIG brother. You like pulling my shirt up and patting my preggo belly.
This is too cute. I am anxious to see how you will be with your new sister. We have been getting her nursery together and I think it is worth mentioning how obsessive you are about the shaggy white rug in her room. You are in love with this rug. You lay on it and roll around on it and get so happy running your toes through the fur! It's weird and funny.
You are officially off of formula and drink whole milk now.
You like to eat rice, broccoli, corn on the cob and peas
You have 4 teeth on top and 2 on bottom
You are in the toddler room at daycare. (It breaks my heart when you cry when I drop you off)
You have started saying "uh oh" and it's really funny the way you say it.
You rode the carousel for the first time and dug it
15 months:
Happy 15 months sweet pea!
You have been straight up CRAZY this past month. That is the #1 word I use to describe you to anyone who asks how you are doing. The reason I say it is because you are constantly getting into drawers, pulling out stuff, tearing books, breaking plates, emptying the trash cans onto the floor, grabbing the plunger, fingers in the toilet, chewing on cords, tearing toilet paper into tiny pieces, pulling ALL of daddy's shoes off the shelves, climbing up and on top of things and falling off, putting EVERYTHING in your mouth including grass, dirt, etc, hiding food in your high chair that you don't want to eat, throwing food on the floor, running away from us outside and almost running into the street, wiggle wormy on the changing table during #2 changes, pulling all of Isla's diapers out and onto the floor and on and on and on...
As I write all of these things, I can't help but smile and chuckle to myself. You really are crazy!
Your personality is full of curiosity, mischief and wonderment. You take everything in and are learning about the world around you. You have trucks and gears and puzzles that will entertain you for only so long before you are back into the trash and finding ways to put things through a toilet paper roll. I love how excited you get about the simplest things.
I love how you love to follow directions. This is a big thing this past month. We can ask you to do just about anything and you will do it. You can throw things away in the trash, put books away, take anything back and forth to daddy and I, go sit in your chair, put something back that you aren't supposed to touch and go find daddy, etc. You are such a little helper boy.
Overall you are a happy camper. I think your smile is your best feature with a close second being those big blue eyes.
Everyone that meets you always comments how cute you are and can't believe what a happy baby you are.
You love to wave your silly wave, give high fives and blow kisses. What a little charmer. Daddy and I love that you are outgoing and like to meet new people. It brings me such joy when I hear your Nan brag about you to her friends about how smart you are.
The thing is, they have no idea truly how amazing and sweet you really are. This past month you have been expressing your love for daddy and I. You don't know how to say 'I love you' yet but will randomly walk up and hug our legs with a big grunt or give big open mouth kisses out of the blue without being asked. The best is when I hold you before bed in the dark and feel your little lips searching out my face to give me "loves". Keeton, I love your heart.
Big News this month! You got a little sister!
I was nervous how you would take to her but you are the sweetest big bro ever! You pat her feet gently like we taught you and know her as 'sissy', 'baby', and 'Isla'. Sometimes when daddy holds her you want to be held too and occasionally we catch you sneaking her empty bottle off the table and putting it in your mouth. It's as if she was always here to you. I know you are going to be a wonderful sibling to her.
In not so great news for you, this month was the month of ear infections. So much so that when we would finish one antibiotic, we would have to start another one because the infection would not go away. Because of this, your little bum was raw. My heart aches for you when you are in pain. You always hear parents saying that if they could take the pain they would. Well it's so true. I would in heartbeat. Keeton there is nothing I wouldn't do for you.
I am so happy that you are who you are. My little 15 month old. My little boy.
Saying I love you just doesn't express my love today.
I guess I will just go give you a little hug and a grunt.